SALCC congratulates Khadijah Halliday
Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College congratulates Khadijah Halliday on her recent achievement in a major regional art competition.

Halliday placed third in the 17-19 Age Category in the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank/Regional Security System-Asset Recovery Unit Creative Youth Competition (Art). Khadijah will be awarded a student grant of EC$1,500.00 and the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College will receive a development grant of EC$1,000.00.

Students who participated in the art contest prepared a piece on one of the following topics: 

Recycling: Waste Management for an Eco-friendly Region

Cultural Awareness: Keeping Our Culture Alive

Combatting Crime through Financial Investigations and Asset Recovery

Khadijah recently completed studies at the College in CAPE Biology, Spanish and English Literature. Khadijah considers herself an innately creative person and her interests include reading, writing, poetry, visual art, photography, videography, guitar, and performing original spoken word. Khadijah is particularly and mostly passionate about writing.

This is among many awards that Khadijah has received in the last few years. She was an active member of the SALCC Theatre group which staged the very successful production “God of Earth” as part of the College’s activities for the 2020 Nobel Laureate Festival. She was also a member of the SALCC Peer Counsellors, the most active group on the campus that organized a variety of activities for students that dealt with their personal wellness.

The College wishes Khadijah well in her future endeavours.